Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sharing Faith

He sat on a barstool behind the counter reading a book. "What are you reading?" I asked. He proceeded to tell me it was a novel a neighbor had loaned him and that it was "hard to get into." I responded by remarking that I liked Christian books. "Do you know anything about Christianity?" I asked. He did. He grew up going to a Pentecostal church. A door opened, and I shared my testimony. I sensed God had His hand on this young man's life, and it took me back to the days that the Lord gave me eyes to see more and more of my Master through the lives of ordinary people who were willing to tell me the Truth. He uses each of us to be His messengers to clerks behind counters and strangers on the street. I gave him a copy of "Fifty Reasons Jesus Came to Die," and I've been praying for him ever since. Will you join me? "I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ." (Philemon 6)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! I just prayed for the young man. May God continue to use us to declare His excellencies! Thanks for the encouragement. Keep us posted.