Monday, May 18, 2009

Clean Later

Holding two baby rattles in one hand, I quickly answered the door with the other. "Let's make this quick," I was thinking, as I smiled at a neighbor and sister in Christ on the other side of my mess. John had taken Jesse outside, and I was on a frantic mission to straighten up and bring order to our inside world. Though our friend had just come by to drop something off, she began to chat, and then she started to talk about spiritual things. My mind was flying from room to room as she shared some things from her heart. Though I did slow down enough to engage her in the conversation, it occured to me much later that I had never even thought to invite her in. Oh, Lord, help me to put people before projects.


Mike and Katie said...

Ha, Ha! I'm getting better about that. Rememeber that when you come to my house!

When Mike and I were first married, he would always stop me in my tracks for a hug. It used to drive me crazy because I didn't like being interrupted. Now, I've learned to savor it.


Mark Robinson said...

Jamie - I struggle with this all the time. It's really hard at work where the focus is on projects. Thanks for the reminder to focus on people first!

In Christ,
Mark Robinsn